Head office: 2 rue de la Lanterne 68100 Mulhouse, France - (+33) 03 89 33 00 08
Name of the person in charge of writing the site: Marie SPINALI
Legal structure: SAS
Share capital: 210,000 euros
SIRET Number: 809 372 618 00011 (Registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Mulhouse)
Intracommunity VAT: FR92809372618

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(+33) 01 84 13 00 00

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Respect of the code of intellectual property

Once there is creation, there is ownership. The code of intellectual property applies to all forms of creation of the mind such as photos, articles, illustrations etc.. If you wish to use content that does not belong to you, ask the author for permission and/or pay the corresponding copyright and related rights. For any creation, the rights are transferred for a use specified at the beginning. For a new use, for example on another support, you will have to make a new request. However, you can use free content. These are creations protected by copyright, but freely distributed by the will of the authors.

Respecting image rights

Any person, whatever his notoriety, has an exclusive right on his image and on the use which is made of it. It can therefore oppose its reproduction and distribution.

Photo credits

Shooting and Models: Master photographer Thomas FREY - Céline Russo Photography.